Since the Street Fighter V beta is a stress-related test, it would make sense if Capcom let it lie, but they've actually been rather accommodating throughout all the issues. The beta will be extended again as of tomorrow, when it will run from 4PM PT until Street Fighter 5's big global beta is going live tonight and - if all goes well, unlike last time out - it'll be playable throughout the bank holiday weekend. Two of team Eurogamer got on the regional beta test last week, and met up earlier this week to Beta participants are urged to follow @SFVServer on Twitter for the latest updates on the status of the game’s servers. Capcom's last attempt at a Street Fighter V beta was halted almost immediately due to server issues. DigitalFoundry has released a frame-rate test video from the Street Fighter V beta, which can be viewed below. As DigitalFoundry explains the beta has been suffering from connectivity issues, especially outside the US, but they did manage to capture a few Players will finally be able to try their hand at the Street Fighter V beta for PlayStation 4 once more in just a few days. The original beta was set to launch on July 23rd and run through July 28th, but thanks to a release riddled with connection issues The Street Fighter 5 Beta didn’t go particularly well in its initial release on PS4. Server issues caused impacted the experience to a point where players essentially couldn’t even play the game. This resulted in the beta being pulled and pushed off to .
After successful regional stress tests, it seems that Capcom are happy to give Street Fighter V’s beta test another go. The original attempt didn’t go very well, and servers constantly went on and off until they finally decided to pull the whole thing. I think it’s safe to say that the Street Fighter V beta test has not gone exactly according to plan. Originally set to run from July 23 to July 28, the beta was hampered by rampant technical issues. Connection problems ended up completely derailing the Street Fighter V might not ship until next spring it will feature the highly anticipated return of Ken, and the beta launch bombed big time. Now, though, thanks to a post by the game company, we also have details about the Collector’s Set as well (Photo : YouTube/GamesHQMedia ) “Street Fighter V” collector’s edition was unveiled, and the beta trials had commenced. However, Capcom announced that the servers were down for maintenance. "Street Fighter V" beta was launched on Aug. 28, following .