Street Fighter V Sakura

Street Fighter V Sakura

Karin Kanzuki, a self-taught fighter and rival to Sakura. Capcom has posted an update on the status of the Street Fighter V Worldwide beta t...
Street Fighter V Dvd

Street Fighter V Dvd

Dernières Actus Cinéma Asiatique Le cinéma japonais à l'honneur à L'Etrange Festival La Bataille de la Montagne du Tigre - Sortie ph...
Street Fighter V Dhalsim

Street Fighter V Dhalsim

She actually plays closer to Ultra Street Fighter 4's El Fuerte, in terms of wrestling repertoire and manic movements. She can close dis...
Street Fighter V Dlc

Street Fighter V Dlc

but it's inevitable that Capcom will be launching a DLC pack with them all included one day. Nevertheless, we're digging Ryu and Chu...