Capcom has three betas planned for Street Fighter V, before the game hits shelves in 2016. You can keep the client after the first beta ends on Sept. 2, and access it again when the second beta kicks-off. Like I mentioned, this is a closed beta Capcom has announced that they will be bringing the worldwide beta for Street Fighter V back online for five whole days from Friday The beta will run until 2 September at 3pm BST (4PM South African time). That should give you plenty of time to try This week’s stress test on Street Fighter V‘s servers seems to have been a success This latest wave of beta tests starts on Aug. 28 at 4:00 PM PDT and closes up on Sept. 2 at 7 AM PDT. Capcom comments that there will be zero downtime The publisher announced yesterday a whole new beta period for the upcoming fighter. The beta will held worldwide from August 28, starting at 11PM GMT. It will run for a total of five days, giving you until September 2 to the Street Fighter V beta According to Eurogamer, Capcom will resume the worldwide "Street Fighter 5" beta test today at around midnight, which is 12am BST in August 29. Capcom announced that the game's beta test program will be five days and will end at 3pm on September 2. The worldwide beta test for Street Fighter V will commence on August 28 at 4pm PST and will end on September 2 at 7am PST. After that the servers will be shut down for periodic maintenance. Since Street Fighter V will still be in beta phase, expect some .
Capcom on Wednesday announced the new dates for the Street Fighter V test. The beta will be held worldwide on August 28, starting at 4 PM PDT / 7 PM EDT. It will continue for a period of five days, ending on September 2, at 7 AM PDT / 10 AM EDT. Depuis une semaine, Street Fighter V enchaîne les bêtas pour le plus grand bonheur des puisque celle-ci commencera le samedi 29 aout et s’étalera jusqu’au 2 septembre prochain, à 16 h. Capcom recommande une connexion filaire ainsi que de Not long after testing the servers in North America, Capcom has announced that the Street Fighter V beta is back on starts on August 28 at 4 p.m. PDT and runs through September 2, when it will end at 7 a.m. PDT. Said the publisher in a statement la compañía por fin ha revelado cuándo comenzará de nuevo la beta de Street Fighter V. Será a partir del próximo 28 de agosto cuando podamos volver a disfrutar de los combates de esta nueva entrega en una beta que se prolongará hasta el día 2 de .