The Street Fighter V beta has come and gone, but not all of the revealed characters while attendees on-hand were comparing Necalli and his moves to Wolverine from the Marvel vs. Capcom series. That's not a comparison this writer is about to argue DigitalFoundry has released a frame-rate test video from the Street Fighter V beta (3:00pm BST/11:00pm JST). Capcom stated regarding the Street Fighetr V Beta: What’s up everyone! As a lot of you may have known, we’ve recently been holding (Photo : YouTube/GamesHQMedia ) “Street Fighter V” collector’s edition was unveiled, and the beta trials had commenced. However, Capcom announced that the servers were down for maintenance. "Street Fighter V" beta was launched on Aug. 28, following Capcom has revealed the North American pre-order bonuses for Street Fighter 5 and the Collector’s Edition. The Street Fighter 5 Collector’s Edition has been announced over at the Capcom Unity blog and here’s what you’ve got to look forward to: Briefly: After a busted first attempt and then some “stress tests”, Capcom has finally nailed down some dates for a proper Street Fighter V beta. It will start at 9am AEST on August 29 and run until 12am AEST on September 3. According to Capcom-Unity, the Street Fighter V Collector's Edition will and GameStop pre-orders will get an epic beard Ryu. The Street Fighter V beta is set to run on PS4 through this Wednesday with the PC beta set to begin at a later date. .
developer Capcom has shared more and more details about the fighting game, while confirming the new and returning characters that will make up its roster. In between organizing the upcoming global test phase beta for Street Fighter V, the Japanese company (Photo : Capcom) Good news gaming fans as new updates for "Street Fighter 5" have been revealed regarding a new character added to the roster and the continuation of the game's beta test program for the PlayStation 4. Good news gaming fans as new updates Following similar tests in both Europe and Asia, Capcom has announced the dates for Street Fighter V beta stress tests in North and South America. The tests are scheduled to take place in both regions on August 25 and 26 from 4 PM-12 AM PDT. Assuming After canceling the first PlayStation 4 beta in the wake of server issues back in July and promising to re-start it later, Capcom on Wednesday announced the new dates for the Street Fighter V test. The beta will be held worldwide on August 28, starting at .