Street Fighter V Beta Duration

Street Fighter V Beta Duration

Outside of the servers being shut down for periodic maintenance, we expect everything to run continuously throughout the entire five day bet...

Street Fighter V Beta Deadline

Street Fighter V players eager to get back into the beta fight will be able to do so this weekend. According to the Capcom-Unity blog, beta ...
Street Fighter V Ken Gameplay

Street Fighter V Ken Gameplay

Not present in SF4, there are quite a few changes to his gameplay. As with most of something to keep an eye on in the future. Street Fighte...
Street Fighter V Ken Trailer

Street Fighter V Ken Trailer

It's not an all-new character, like the previously announced Necalli, or a classic returning fighter, like Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, M. Bison o...
Street Fighter V Karin

Street Fighter V Karin

(Leggi l'Articolo) Stando a quanto appreso dai colleghi di Siliconera, in Street Fighter V ci saranno quattro nuovi lottatori tratti dai...
Street Fighter V Beta Closed

Street Fighter V Beta Closed

"Street Fighter 5" is slated to be released next spring 2016, which explains why Capcom is doing a whole lot of hustling this time...
Street Fighter V Jp

Street Fighter V Jp

Capcom hat eine Collector’s Edition und Vorbestellerboni für Street Fighter V angekündigt, das im Frühjahr 2016 weltweit für PlayStation 4 u...