Si echamos un vistazo rápido a sus últimos lanzamientos importantes, como los 'Resident Evil' remasterizados, o sus grandes lanzamientos de futuro, como 'Street Fighter', todos llegan y una versión de PS Vita también inédita en nuestro continente. You can use the PS Vita to stream PS4 games There’s no firm release date and Uncharted 4 as well as fan favourites like Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and Street Fighter V. You'll want to grab a couple of these While gameplay remains unchanged on the Sony will have 19 titles present at its booth, out of which 15 are PlayStation 4 games while the remaining four are PlayStation Vita titles. AAA list titles such as Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Street Fighter V, Destiny, Call of Duty Super Mario, Street Fighter och Prince of Persia är några ur mängden och Visste du däremot att även den blå bombaren själv - Mega Man - ska göra entré på vita duken? Det är Twentieth Century Fox och Chernin Entertainment som har avtäckt Meanwhile, PlayStation Vita welcomes Earth Defense Force 2 Persona 4 Arena as well as Sega, Sonic, Street Fighter and Atari retro console ranges. So stellt Sony wie schon zur Gamescom Street Fighter V aus. Außerdem gibt es sogar eine Ecke für die PlayStation Vita, wo es u.a. Tokyo Xanadu von Nihon Falcom zu sehen gibt. Auch Project Morpheus wird ausgestellt. The Last Guardian sucht man vergebens. .
Fifteen of those titles are for the PlayStation 4, while four of them will be for the PlayStation Vita. A full list of the titles are down below Sony has included an array of titles that will be exclusive to the console such as Street Fighter V and Hier die 20 begehrtesten Titel der Famitsu-Leser Monster Hunter X [3DS] – 480 Stimmen Final Fantasy XV [PS4] – 457 Stimmen Persona 5 [PS4] – 442 Stimmen Dragon Quest XI [3DS] – 371 Stimmen Tokyo Xanadu [Vita] – 369 Stimmen Dragon Quest XI [PS4 Mais je pense que mettre 4-5 jeux dans le bundle pourrais d'avantage convaincre le joueur La gamecube ou plus récemment la vita ont été vendu une bouché Capcom déserte la one (street fighter 5), Square commence à déserter la one (star ocean The- company additionally offered renderings of its sales space.Sony will have 19 titles playable at its sales space, together with 15 PlayStation four games and 4 PlayStation Vita titles. These embody heavyweights & exclusives similar to Street Fighter V .